Experimental endstations
Endstation for controlled molecule experiments (eCOMO)
eCOMO is a new transportable endstation established in collaboration with the group of Francesca Calegari and the Centre for Molecular Water Science (CMWS). The standard configuration consists of an Even-Lavie valve, an electrostatic b-type deflector for species separation, and a double-sided velocity map imaging spectrometer for simultaneous ion- and electron detection. The whole molecular beam assembly is mounted on actuators which allows moving the complete molecular beam vertically to the desired interaction region inside the spectrometer.
The eCOMO setup consists of a pulsed valve, an electrostatic deflector, and a double-sided velocity map imaging spectrometer.
Single-shot MHz velocity-map-imaging for ions and electrons using Timepix3 cameras
Two synchronized Timepix3 cameras are used to detect ion- and electron velocities in coincidence.
Controlled Molecules for XFEL experiments (COMO)
European XFEL enduser consortium
The main objective of COMO is to enable experiments with controlled molecules at the European XFEL.
The consortium is headed by Jochen Küpper and the CMI group. Additional partners are Henrik Stapelfeldt (Aarhus University), Henry Chapman (CFEL, DESY), Michael Meyer (XFEL) and Joachim Schulz (XFEL).
Further details on the implementation will follow when ready.
Expressions of Interest - Call for Expressions Document